Pictures from the cartoon "Nu, pogodi!" 40 photos

Nu, pogodi! is a beloved Soviet animated series that has captured the hearts of generations with its humorous and engaging storytelling. Each episode follows the comedic chase between the cunning Wolf and the clever Hare, set against a backdrop of vibrant and imaginative interiors. The cartoon's artistry shines through in its meticulous attention to detail, where every scene is a testament to the creativity and design sensibilities of its time. From the bold, geometric patterns of mid-century modern aesthetics to the cozy, nostalgic charm of traditional Russian motifs, the interiors depicted in Nu, pogodi! offer a unique glimpse into the design trends of the era. The seamless blend of whimsical colors and playful architectural elements creates an enchanting atmosphere that enhances the narrative's humor and excitement. Whether it's the bustling cityscapes, serene countryside settings, or eclectic indoor spaces, each backdrop tells its own story, enriching the visual experience. Exploring the interiors of Nu, pogodi! invites viewers to appreciate the artistry and craftsmanship that contribute to the cartoon's enduring appeal, making it a cherished piece of cultural heritage.

Wolf from Well Wait with a barbell
Cartoon just you wait Snow Maiden
Well wait for the new Soyuzmultfilm
Well, wait a minute! Cartoon 1993
Well wait a minute cartoon hare
Wolf wait a minute cartoon
Wait a minute cartoon wolf
Well cartoon oh wait
Wolf (oh wait!) Wiki
New cartoon just wait 2020
New cartoon just wait 2020
Well, wait a minute! Cartoon 1994
Well, wait a minute, cartoon, well, wait a minute, cartoon
Well, wait a minute! Cartoon 1969
Wolf wait cartoon
Cartoon just wait Soyuzmultfilm
Well wait a minute cartoon hare
Well wait a minute cartoon hare
Well wait 1969
Wolf from the cartoon Well Wait
Well, wait a minute! Cartoon 1984 stills
Well, wait a minute! Cartoon 1969
Well cartoon oh wait
Well, wait a minute! Cartoon 1969
Well wait a minute cartoon
Wolf from Well Wait
Just wait a minute cartoon USSR
Cartoon just wait a minute
Wolf, wait a minute
Well wait 1969
Wolf from Well Wait
Well cartoon oh wait
Well wait a minute cartoon
Well wait a minute cartoon hare
Cartoon oh wait, hare-wolf, hare-wolf
Well, wait a minute! Cartoon 1969
Well wait 1994
The Wolf and the Hare, wait a minute