Nestled within the opulent confines of the Peterhof Palace, the dance hall stands as a testament to the grandeur and artistry of the 18th century. Designed to captivate and inspire, this splendid space reflects the lavish tastes of its imperial patrons. The room is adorned with gilded stucco work, intricate frescoes, and expansive mirrors that create an illusion of endless space and light. Crystal chandeliers hang from the ceiling, casting a warm, inviting glow that once illuminated the elegant balls of Russian nobility. The parquet flooring, meticulously crafted from fine woods, has borne witness to countless waltzes and mazurkas, echoing the sounds of orchestras that filled the hall with music. Visitors to the dance hall can almost hear the whispers of history in its ornate corners, as they imagine the vibrant social gatherings that once animated this magnificent venue. The dance hall of the Peterhof Palace remains a shining jewel of cultural heritage, inviting all who enter to step back in time and experience the splendor of a bygone era.
- Audience hall of the Peterhof Palace
- Merchants' Hall of Peterhof
- Peterhof Grand Palace dance hall
- Elizabeth Petrovna's bedroom Catherine Palace
- Catherine Palace Ballroom
- Peterhof Catherine's Palace
- Khludov's mansion ballroom
- Great Catherine Palace by Rastrelli in Peterhof
- Catherine Palace hall for the ball
- Office of Peter 1 in Peterhof
- Catherine Palace Ballroom
- Great Peterhof Palace Audience Hall
- Baroque parquet Catherine Palace
- Great Peterhof Palace. Picture hall. Rotary
- Grand Catherine Palace Rastrelli
- Catherine Palace Amber Living Room
- Monplaisir Peterhof Catherine Palace interiors
- Tsarskoe Selo (museum-reserve)
- Great Hall of the Catherine Palace
- Hall of Mirrors in Peterhof
- Sanssouci Palace Ballroom
- Great Peterhof Palace dance hall
- Peterhof Palace dance hall
- Catherine Palace Ballroom
- Peterhof Palace dance hall
- Tsarskoe Selo Catherine Palace Ballroom
- Throne Hall of the Catherine Palace
- Great Peterhof Palace Audience Hall
- Great Peterhof Palace dance hall
- Great Peterhof Palace Audience Hall
- Great Peterhof Palace Audience Hall
- Hermitage in Peterhof inside
- Ballroom of Peterhof Palace
- Great Hall of the Catherine Palace in Tsarskoye Selo
- Ballroom of Peterhof Palace
- Grand Palace in Peterhof Rastrelli
- Great Peterhof Palace dance hall
- Tsarskoye Selo Catherine Palace halls