Ceiling cornices made of plaster 38 photos

Ceiling cornices crafted from plaster have long been a hallmark of refined interior design, seamlessly blending artistry with architectural function. These elegant features trace their origins to classical antiquity, where they adorned the grand halls of ancient civilizations. Today, plaster cornices continue to grace modern and traditional interiors alike, offering a timeless aesthetic appeal that enhances any space. The allure of plaster cornices lies in their versatility and intricate detailing. Each design can range from simple, understated lines to elaborate motifs that echo the artistry of bygone eras. They serve not only as decorative elements but also as functional transitions between walls and ceilings, concealing imperfections and adding depth to a room. Plaster, as a material, allows for precise craftsmanship and the creation of bespoke designs tailored to individual tastes and architectural styles. Its durability ensures that these ornamental features withstand the test of time, maintaining their elegance and charm through decades of changing trends. Incorporating plaster cornices into an interior setting is a nod to tradition while embracing contemporary design sensibilities. Whether in a residential or commercial space, these cornices infuse interiors with character and a touch of historical grandeur, inviting admiration from all who enter.

Plaster molding cornices
Plaster ceiling cornice
Cornice K-030 200x130*2000 mm
Plaster molding on the ceiling
Karniz potolochniy gypsum
Gaudi, cornice c159, 142x124 mm.
Gypsum cornice
Smooth plaster ceiling cornice
Light cornice made of plaster
Orac c422 cornice (164x194x2000mm)
C338 cornice Orac Decor
Plaster columns with cornice
Smooth ebb molding le64
Gypsum concrete cornices
Gypsum ceiling cornices 255x270mm
Cornice iz gipsa
Plaster cornice ceiling
Ceilings with stucco decor
Stucco Orac Decor p5050
Cornice iz gipsa
Stucco decoration Corsa cornice K16
Mold for plaster cornices
Cornices for ceilings Grozny
Cornice km043 plaster
Cornice stucco molding gypsum kt-144 70*150
Cornice plaster
Cornice k138
LT-329 plaster cornice lepart
Kv026 gypsum cornice with decor ? h170x107mm
Cornice dd42
Dd506 ceiling cornice
Smooth plaster cornice
Gypsum cornice
NC_03.1 - gypsum concave cornice 100x100 3m each
C338b cornice ba'Rock 3D model